(The way of the wise man) by Lao Tzu
Interpolation by Mekel Haunsby
Here follows the first 3 verses out of 81 verses (this is a work in progress), the interpolation is based on numerous translation of the different incomplete and possibly altered writings attributed to the sage Lao Tzu.

The way that can be described by words, is not the eternally true way.
That name which can be named is not the constant name.
The nameless is the beginning of the ten thousand things.
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things.
Those without desires, will perceive it.
Those with desires, will see only that which they want to see.
These two truth are the same, appearing they are named differently.
Their source hidden.
The true road lies deeper than what is deepest.
The gateway to all marvels is beyond reality

We know beautiful, so ugliness comes into being.
We know good, so evil is brought into existence.
The creation of opposites by definition.
Being and absence of being created simultaneously.
Difficult and easy completes each other.
Long and short define each other..
High and low describe each other.
Sound and silence shape each other.
The coexistence of front and back
These are constants.
So the wise man handles life without force.
He seeks the teachings which can not be worded.
The ten thousand things arise, yet he doesn’t begin them.
He acts on their behalf, without making them dependent.
He accomplishes his tasks, and moves on.
As he does not dwell on the past, it never leaves him.

If you do not award anybody, nobody will compete.
If you overvalue possessions, people will begin to steal.
Display treasures and people will become envious.
In government the wise man empties the minds of people and fill their bellies.
Preferring simplicity, strength and freedom from desires.
Avoiding the pitfalls of knowledge instead of wisdom.
For those who accomplishes without force, everything will fall into place.
The Dao is an empty vessel, yet inexhaustible in its depths.
Used, it is never filled. So profound, it appears to be the origin of all things.
It blunts sharpness, untangles chaos.
Dimly seen, it remains unseen. Yet it never fades.
This is a work in progress and new verses will be added as soon as possible
until the interpolation of all 81 verses is complete.