By Mekel Haunsby
Work in progess… !!!
Agnostic (from Greek ágnōstos, “not knowing”). A person not making a choice as to the possible existence of “God” or “Gods”. To be agnostic is simply affirming that one does not know of evidence of such a presence as “God” or “Gods” and thus remain neutral.
Ascended Master. A spriritual teacher who during past incarnations have undergone a series of spiritual transformations to a more enlightened being. The master can presently be reincarnated into a human form or exist as a pure spirit guiding others through channeling.
Astral walking. Where a person projects an energy field often in a form similar to that of a human body to a distant location to perceive or communicate.
Atheist. (from Greek atheos “without god“). A person who has no belief about a deity, sometimes this infers that such a person actively try to pursuade other to the same belief. Sometimes this is extended to include that the person believes in no spiritual existence or substance of any kind.
ESP (Extrasensory perception) ESP denotes reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses through the body. But sensory percepion sensed directly by the mind or the spririt.