by Mekel Haunsby

How does one become inspired?
Being inspired is a necessity for an artist. It therefore become essential to stay inspired, but how?

–An everyday routine can be very inspiring and something novel can be totally uninspiring. It depends on whether or not the incident has any impact on you.
You have to feeeeeeeeeeeel stuff to get inspired, you have to mentally be there and allow your environment to have an impact on you. Otherwise no go.
It’s not sufficient to merely refect life as a mirror, you have to interpretate it.

A near mathematical circumstance seems to be pressent:
Lifeforce + Impression= An alive expression.
This little axiom allow us to discover circumstances which are not beneficial to an artist. All instances of lack of inspiration sums up to the abscence of experience and input.

I knew a painter who gave up his daytime job to work full time as a painter. Only problem was that without the input from contcact with other people etc. he could’nt paint, he became totally uninspired. My advise to him was to go back to work, that did the trick!

The creative process
When the creative proces has started an interchange between the media and the artist occurs. One senses how one work so far looks and compares it to one’s ideal in ones mind.

Then one tries to get it closer to one’s mental version or changes one’s mental version based on the new opputinites one has discovered while observing the artwork in progress.
Being in the middle of an creative process, one very often hardly notice time, lack of sleep and food. It seems like the nomal needs of the body get’s supsended.

One’s own style
Being in a state of inspiration is no guarentee for good artwork. It’s quite possible to have a wonderfull feeling or concept in one’s mind, and at the same time have no idea about how to convey it to others through an artform.
First one have to master the general technical skills of the choosen artform. For instance being a painter, one have to know colours, how they mix and so on.
Then one must have developed one’s own personal preferences or language, unique to oneself and yet understandable by the receiver, the audience.

The essence
True art let the beholder experience something new or allows the beholder to rediscover something familiar.
What describes an artist is the same thing which describes an adventurer.
The longing for something intense, grand, revolutionary, new horizons maybe even other universes with different natural laws.